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Welcome back to the YA Movie News Roundup, where it's been a bit of a slow news week thanks to Thanksgiving (thanks for nothing, Thanksgiving!), but ONE piece of possibly insane news hit the airwaves unannounced - so I'm here to announce it! You're welcome!
In the below video on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Ellen continues to get the juiciest scoop out of Kristen Bell when she talks about Bell's recent low-key wedding to Dax Shepherd. In her typically hilarious style, Bell drops this bomb about her best friend Amy Russell, who witnessed the wedding: "The interesting thing about that is her husband is an actor, Ryan Hansen, and I was going to work later that day and had a fairly intimate scene with him. So when I left my wedding I said to my best friend, 'Thanks for witnessing my wedding; I'm going to make pretend love to your husband' ... and I did!"
RECORD SCRATCH. Veronica and...Dick?? Okay, the Veronica Mars movie stopped shooting in July, and Bell and Shepherd were married in October. But I don't see any new credits on either of their IMDB pages, so it's possible It's not possible, right? Maybe Hansen's guest-starring on House of Lies this season, or if it is a reshoot for Veronica Mars, it has to be a sort of makeout-fakeout situation, right? Right. Okay. Glad we've got that settled.
Draw your own conclusions below:
Catching Fire continues to make waves, accruing huge box office numbers and generally winning the cinema this month. Wired thinks the film is the Dark Knight of the franchise, while I was leaning a little toward Empire Strikes Back. Hypable thinks it's the best YA movie adaptation ever. Devin at BAD thinks the success of Catching Fire and Frozen could forge a direct path to a Captain Marvel movie, and that is nothing but good news.
Also: Hunger Games Monopoly!
Fifty Shades of Grey sort of randomly added musician Rita Ora to its cast as Christian's sister. You can grab some more Fifty Shades pics for your bedroom wall collage here.
And finally, I told you it was a slow news week: 25 YA novels turned into movies, the slideshow.
Theories on the Bell-Hansen "intimate scene" below? Set all of our minds at rest! Dick's fun and all, but he did roofie Veronica and leave her to be raped by his brother, so I'd rather they never, ever, ever hook up. (I'm sure Veronica would prefer that, as well.)