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Nashville 2x10: Tomorrow Never Comes

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Nashville 2x10: Tomorrow Never Comes


Before I go any further, I feel the need to remind you that I'm about to spoil the shizz out of this episode.


So are we good?

Well then.

PEGGY IS DEAD! PEGGY IS DEAD! PEACE OUT PEGGY!!!!!!!!!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Nashville promised us last week that someone would die, and they were NOT kidding around. I was hoping it was Teddy but I'll settle for his crazy wife. Girl, no one has put pig's blood to such good use since Carrie. RIP.

On to the other things!

- Luke Wheeler is kind of terrible now? Like, REALLY terrible? I can't believe I called him the Mr. Darcy of Nashville. I AM ASHAMED.

- As much as I've been annoyed with Scarlett lately, I get why she's upset by the news that her best friend is dating her ex-boyfriend, i.e. the man who proposed to her a few months ago.

- Gay Cowboy Will had sex with Brent!!!!!! And then he may or may not have stood in the way of an oncoming train! Because this is 1920?

- Meanwhile, in the storyline no one cares about, Rayna is determined to gather $20 million to buy herself out of Edge Hill. Tandy agrees to throw in $3 mill, and Rayna decides to mortgage her house and risk EVERYTHING SHE HOLDS DEAR because she has a hunch that this record will sell, although Jeff Douchham's research says differently. Rayna, I love you, but I have a bad feeling about this.

- Deacon is suddenly good as a front man. I guess Avery taught him well in that half hour session a few episodes back?

- OMG Juliette loves Avery!!!! And she tried to tell him so, but Scarlett walked into the room wearing no pants!!!

- Charlie Wentworth. Still hot.

Best Rayna James Line:

Sorry, Rayna, but Juliette nailed it with this exchange:

Jeff Doucheham: Handle this carefully, or the tabloids will eat you alive.

Juliette: I'm well aware. They've been snackin' on me my entire career.

Rayna vs Juliette: (Who won?)

All Rayna did was make me worried about her financial future, so I'll hand the victory over to Juliette, who stayed strong in the face of terrible press and dick fans AND had the guts to (try to) confess her love to Avery.

Hey girl, just remember-- nothing is as bad as finding your mom dead on the living room floor.

Best Scene:

After Juliette strode out on stage and saw that "Home Wrecker" banner in the crowd, Avery guided her through the trauma by singing along, and SERIOUSLY HOW SWEET WAS THAT?

Best Sub-plot:

- The Gunnar & Deacon Show!!! Completely adorbs.


-  Zoe: "If she was really my friend, she'd see how happy I am, and be happy for me." HONESTLY? Why don't you make like Gay Cowboy Will and stand in front of a train?

- Show, I get that Rayna and Deacon are supposed to end up together, but why did you have to go and make Luke Wheeler seem SO GREAT and then SO BAD?

Burning Questions:

- Is Gay Cowboy Will still alive?!!

- Who is that dude who killed Peggy? And how can we get him to finish the job? 

- Does Avery love Juliette or Scarlett?! I can't believe I'm saying this but... I hope it's Juliette?

- Doesn't Kelly Clarkson have something better to do than be on this show?

We have to wait until January 15th until we get an answer to any of these questions. So until then, let the wild speculation begin!

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