Kamet and The Attolian’s Excellent Adventure
BOOK REPORT for Thick as Thieves (The Queen’s Thief #5) by Megan Whalen Turner Cover Story: SOS, We’re In Distress BFF Charm: Yay and Eventually Swoonworthy Scale: I Plead the Fifth Talky Talk:...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: MARY POPPINS Pics, Fictional Libraries We Love, and...
If that picture of Lin Manuel-Miranda and his lamplighting crew doesn't just make you want to chuck it all in and join a scrappy little band of orphans, I'm pretty sure that you have coal where your...
View ArticleOpen Thread: June 9-11
Actual footage of my week. TGIF! Hope you have something fun planned (like chatting in the Open Thread). As always, feel free to chat about anything you like!
View ArticleBirds All Sing As If They Knew
BOOK REPORT for Once and For All by Sarah Dessen Cover Story: I Do Don’t BFF Charm: Yay! Swoonworthy Scale: 7 Talky Talk: Dessentastic Bonus Factors: Wedding Planners, Lakeview Relationship Status: To...
View ArticleBlog Tour: BAD ROMANCE
FYA fave Heather Demetrios stops by to celebrate the release of her latest novel, Bad Romance (available June 13th). Take it away, Heather! My new novel, Bad Romance, isn’t one of those yummy bad...
View ArticleGiveaway: ROAR
Roar, the first in Cora Carmack’s new YA fantasy series, releases this week. The book tells the story of a young princess who faces hard decisions about her future, and the future of her people. (I...
View ArticleTHE ORIGINALS 4x11: A Spirit Here That Won’t Be Broken
Previously on The Originals: The Hollow hid inside Sofya, while attempting to sacrifice an Original, and their entire sire line. Freya magically preserved Elijah’s soul in a pendant, so he can be...
View ArticleSHADOWHUNTERS 2x11: Mea Maxima Culpa
Previously: SO MANY THINGS. Valentine tries to manipulate Clary into activating the Soul Sword to decimate the Downworld by kidnapping Simon (who she's now dating, sigh); a weakened Simon feeds on...
View ArticleYA Onscreen: Watch The First Trailer For BLACK PANTHER
Welcome, welcome, welcome back to YA Onscreen! Let's hit the links. Does Chris Pine deserve the moniker of Top Chris of all the famous Chrises? Jezebel makes a compelling argument. Who is your...
View ArticleTea To See
BOOK REPORT for The Leaf Reader by Emily Arsenault Cover Story: Drink Me BFF Charm: Maybe Swoonworthy Scale: 2 Talky Talk: Straight Up With A Twist Bonus Factor: Tasseomancy Relationship Status: Not...
View ArticleBEA 2017: Back To The Big Apple
FYA HQ made its annual pilgrimage to our favorite book event, BEA--wait, sorry, Book Expo (you can try to rebrand, but it will always be BEA to us!)--and we're here to spill ALL the details. POSH...
View ArticleIZOMBIE 3x11: Conspiracy Weary
Previously on iZombie: Major found a girl who didn’t care that he’d been the accused Chaos Killer. Peyton was prosecuting the Weckler case, and Liv ate his brain to find out if he was murdered in...
View ArticleWatch The Tide
BOOK REPORT for The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla Olson Cover Story: Radioactive BFF Charm: Meh Swoonworthy Scale: 4 Talky Talk: Too-Familiar Dystopia Bonus Factor: Mysterious Island Factor: Mysterious...
Title: Captain America: Civil War Year: 2016 Fix: Superheros That Bring the Feels, Can’t Wait for Black Panther, Celebrating Chris Evans’ Birthday Month Netflix Summary: It’s Avengers vs. Avengers...
View ArticleBetween Two Lockers With Cindy Pon
Cindy Pon's latest novel, Want (available now), is a futuristic sci-fi thriller about a group of teens who set out to save their pollution- and disease-ridden city. We're pleased as punch to be joined...
View ArticlePortals And Plot Holes
BOOK REPORT for The Scribe of Siena by Melodie Winawer Cover Story: Like An Effing Adult BFF Charm: Meh Swoonworthy Scale: 3 Talky Talk: Anachronistic Bonus Factors: Medieval Italy, Time Travel...
View ArticlePretty Little Liars 7x18: Choose Or Lose
FIRST OF ALL: Happy final episode, Norman! Murdercabin wouldn't exist without you; we appreciate your thoughtfulness and artistry and commitment to telling smart stories about smart ladies (and the...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: Casting for DUMPLIN’ & EVERY DAY, Tom Hardy Has Us...
Hello all! Hope this week has been as good to you as next week will be to me, for I shall be in Vegas for the front row experience of Magic Mike LIVE! I AM GOING TO BE A DAGGONE MESS, Y'ALL. On to the...
View ArticleOpen Thread: June 16-18
Happy early Father's Day, Brian and any other Dads of FYA! In honor of my recent favorite Dad of YA, Maverick from The Hate U Give, let's break it down with some Jodeci: And have an inspirational...
View ArticleSomewhere Beyond the Sea
BOOK REPORT for Waiting for Walker by Robin Reardon Cover Story: Small Press Clip Art Drinking Buddy: White Wine Spritzer Testosterone Level: Mighty Mite Talky Talk: So Close Bonus Factors: Intersex,...
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