The Vampire Diaries 4x19: Pictures of You
Hey, y'all! I'm taking over for Jenny for this week, because I LOVE PROM SO MUCH! And it's Prom Week on The Vampire Diaries! Isn't it funny when television shows about vampires have episodes about...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: Pitch Perfect Sequels for Everyone!
This has been the kind of week that just needs to be over already. I’m sure plenty of you will agree! That said, we’ve still got to make it through this Friday. And to help with that, I present the...
View ArticleFrench Kissin’ In The USA
BOOK REPORT for The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles Cover Story: Recycled Big Face BFF Charm: Meh Swoonworthy Scale: 3 Talky Talk: Written By A 17-Year-Old Bonus Factor: Boy Bestie Relationship Status:...
View ArticleSomeday, Someday, Maybe Blog Tour!
So, you're* still mad that ABC Family quit showing Gilmore Girls reruns in the afternoon, and now show them while you're at work, and you've watched all the episodes of Parenthood that are available...
View ArticleGame of Thrones 3x4: And Now His Watch Is Ended
TRUE STORY: Yesterday I was mired in the world of adorable, yet very tedious, yet on a timeline, crafting, which meant I spent about five hours watching something shitty on television. That shitty...
View ArticleHow Does Today Work for You?
BOOK REPORT for Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham Cover Story: Dreamy BFF Charm: Yay! Swoonworthy Scale: 4 Talky Talk: Lorelei Braverman Bonus Factors: NYC, The '90s, Cliff Huxtable Award for...
View ArticleCYOA: Never Been Kissed
Hey there, FYA private eyes! I apologize for the delay in serving up the next chapter in our mystery edition of Choose Your Own Adventure. (And in keeping with the genre, I won't reveal my excuse....
View ArticleDream a Little Dream
BOOK REPORT for Darius & Twig by Walter Dean Myers Cover Story: I Give It the Bird Drinking Buddy: Yes Testosterone Level: Slow Burn Talky Talk: King Walter the First Bonus Factors: Non-White...
View ArticleVision Dreams Of Passion
In her novel White Lines, Jennifer Banash takes us on an exhilarating trip through the club scene of 1980s Manhattan. It's intensely thrilling and darkly disturbing, and the authenticity simmering on...
View ArticleAbout That Personality Crisis
BOOK REPORT for Taken by Erin Bowman Cover Story: Oof BFF Charm: Aw Hell No Swoonworthy Scale: -12 Talky Talk: Who Am I Talking to Today? Bonus Factors: Teen Dad Relationship Status: We have a...
View ArticlePower to the (Library) People
National Library Legislative Day is coming up -- that's a day when librarians and library advocates try to convince their legislators to support libraries, despite not being a lobby able to use piles...
View ArticleAwkward 3x3: A Little Less Conversation
Is it just me, or did MTV play, like, three recaps of last week's Awkward before this episode? They must have really low expectations for teenage memory retention. Then again, they created Teen Mom 2...
View ArticleDoctor Who 7x10: Hide
Grab some popcorn, a blanket, and a good friend to cuddle up next to, y’all, cause we’re in for a good scare. It might also be wise to keep a flashlight nearby incase the lights go out, and maybe a...
View ArticleNetflix Fix: Hemlock Grove
Title: Hemlock Grove Year: 2013 Fix: A Booze-Fuelled Marathon to Make You Feel Angry That There Are People in This World Who Get Paid Lots of Money to Produce Such Shit Netflix Summary: A teenage girl...
View ArticleVisiting Neptune For The First Time
We love Rebecca Serle. She's a talented novelist, a supportive member of the writing community and an all around mega cool gal. However, as we once learned in a heated discussion regarding Who Would...
View ArticleIf You’re Gonna Build A Time Machine Into A Mirror
BOOK REPORT for Obsidian Mirror (Chronoptika 1) by Catherine Fisher Cover Story: Ageless BFF Charm: Maybe? Swoonworthy Scale: 2 Talky Talk: Classic Fantasy Bonus Factors: Time Travel, Spunky Street...
View ArticleTVD: 4x20 The Originals
Klaus and YHH in New Orleans? Yes, please! So let's see what they have in store for us, shall we? Elena is desiccating away in the Salvatore's dungeon, and the brothers discuss in wonders how long...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: Divergent, Tiger Eyes and More!
As much as I’d love to come up with some witty or interesting introduction to this week’s Pro Tips, I can’t. Because I spent my entire night watching old Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes in a...
View ArticleGood Night, Dear Void
BOOK REPORT for This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith Cover Story: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It BFF Charm: Yay! Swoonworthy Scale: 7 Talky Talk: Dessen-ish Bonus Factors: You've Got...
View ArticleCYOA: Confrontation
Welcome to Chapter 12 of the Mystery Edition of our Choose Your Own Adventure series. Last week, after discovering that Silas is actually an undercover reporter, y'all voted to head over to his house...
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