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Teen TV Madness: The Bronze, Round Two

Teen TV Madness: The Bronze, Round Two

Welcome back to Teen TV Madness!  It’s week two and things are getting exciting.  Let’s pour one out for our fallen TV shows in The Bronze bracket that didn't make it here today.  (Except not really, because a few of the defeated shows were terrible and quite deserving of their swift demise.)  While putting together this post, I’ve learned a few things.  Mainly, about TV show openings on the internet.  Apparently, in the year 2014, people think it is still acceptable to record TV clips directly off their TV via a camera or phone.  No.  Bad.  Also, people seem really into creating TV theme montages of a shows opening credits across the seasons.  Okay.  Basically, what I’m saying is that’s it's surprisingly difficult to nice copies of opening credits on youtube.

But we have some exciting match ups for you in The Bronze bracket this week, so let’s take a look at the competition:

Interactive PDF bracket, with links to IMDB, Netflix streaming, Amazon Prime streaming, and past FYA posts, where applicable.

(1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. (8) 10 Things I Hate About You

As much as I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer (it’s definitely one of my favorite shows of all time), I can’t help but admit that the opening theme music...is horrible.  I mean sure, I love it, because nostalgia and feelings.  But objectively...it is not pleasant on the ears.  (Although I hadn’t realize that 10 Things barely even has opening credits.  Wasted opportunity!  We should have been given smulderings clips of Ethan Peck!)  Anyway, 10 Things, you’re a cute show and I like you.  But you need to step aside for Buffy, because is it my educated guess that she is going to steamroll this entire bracket.

(5) Degrassi: The Next Generation vs. (4) Smallville

Oh, Degrassi.  I already talked last week about how much I love the Degrassi: TNG opening theme (seasons 4-5 onlyyyy).  I have never seen Smallville and I was pleasantly surprised to find their opening theme catchy.  Anyway, I have no idea how this matchup is going to go.  Sometimes when I’ve never seen a show, I naively assume that means no one else likes it/watched it.  Which is probably not the case with Smallville, a series that had 10 seasons.  But who knows, maybe the Canadians will show up to the vote and usher their long running drama into round three.

(6) Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. (3) The Wonder Years

Another matchup where I’m not entirely sure of the outcome!  The Wonder Years is a classic, with wide appeal.  But Sabrina has some big nostalgia points going for it, specifically within the FYA demo.  This one could be an upset!

(7) Reign vs. (2) Dance Academy

Guys, Dance Academy barely pulled this one off.  (And probably only because Dena Kaplan AKA Abigail AKA the love of FYA’s life tweeted about it.)  Y’all almost voted in Lizzie McGuire, which I’m not going to knock.  It’s just that it isn’t Dance Academy.  Probably the only way this could have happened is because too many of you haven’t seen Dance Academy.  So do yourself a favor and go watch it now.  It’s on Netflix. You can probably find it on youtube.  Ahem.  Anyway, Reign is new and popular but I’m hoping not popular enough to take out my little Australian dancing underdog.

And that’s it for The Bronze bracket until next week.  What was the hardest vote for you this week?  And who are you hoping from this bracket will make it to the final four?  And remember, polls close this Saturday at midnight Central, with results posted on Sunday.

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