Previously: Week 7 (Library Love)
Y'all, can you believe we've hit the home stretch of #YASummerShowdown already?! 'Twas merely two months ago when Alexis invited all of FYA to the raddest, YA-est scavenger hunt, and NOW IT'S ALMOST OVER, SOB.
But enough waterworks, 'cause Showdown ain't over yet! And there's TONS to cover this week, so let's get to it!
... there actually wasn't one? Much like Lemony Snicket, a series of unfortunate events befell your Showdown gamemakers this week, so the final challenge has been pushed back. OR MAYBE WE JUST DON'T WANT SHOWDOWN TO EVER END.
A challenge bye week also means MOAR TIME FOR PHOTO HUNTS! As always, the teams made like mail carriers and DELIVERED.
My fave item on the original photo hunt list, the Emergency Kanye Dance Party; this one, from #ATXFYA. (Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell)
#FYAPGH's hoping Mr. Peacock is in a generous mood. (Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick)
One: Cut a hole in a box... (#ATXFYA's head in a box, à la Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride.)
Drat! The #FYAVBC speakeasy's being raided! (The Diviners by Libba Bray)
#ATXFYA demonstrating how Side Effects May Vary (by Julie Murphy).
Dauntless initiations from #FYAVBC (left) and #FYAPGH (right). (Divergent by Veronica Roth)
Now entering the Pandering to Mandy W. section of the recap: Stephanie Perkins books!
#ATXFYA's Lola and the Boy Next Door and Isla Vanessa, Sean, and the Happily Ever After! ADORBS.
Hmm, which type of wish did Karou use to get from Pittsburgh (left) to Austin (right) so quickly?!
And, of course, the Pittsburgh Punsters.
Far from Ewe. (Far from You by Tom McNeal)
The Kim Possible Knife of Memory. (The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson)
GOLF CLAP: Bridge to Terror Beth/Mia. (Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson)
Fancy cover restagings are always a #YASummerShowdown staple, too.
Love in the Time of Global Warming, by #FYAFreeAgents (left) and #FYAPGH (right).
The Friday Society of #FYAPGH.
#ATXFYA is Reconstructing Amelia.
A Mad Wicked Folly with #FYAPGH (left) and #ATXFYA (right).
#FYAPGH's Basmati Bat Mitzvah!
Dancer, Daughter, Traitor, Spy, #ATXFYA.
The Man Made Boy of #FYAPGH.
#FYANYC diving into This One Summer!
And finally, #ATXFYA is our first taker for the mashup titles that were added to the photo hunt!
Sending Love Letters to the Deadly Cool.
Dear Killer of Enemies: "Perfect in her methods. Precise in her madness. She's the only one who can save them." I'd watch that movie.
On The Edge of Falling in Love with English Boys. (HELLO, DARCY.)
Even with all the photo hunt frenzy, #YASummerShowdown always has time for kickass author events!
#SFFYA with Joe Abercrombie (Half a King).
The YA Mixology photos and results have been rolling in! But which drink will be crowned tastiest of them all? Stay tuned!
#FYAVBC: "We drank a lot of drinks for a work night."
#ATXFYA even had bookish cupcakes!
As if this recap wasn't enough proof, #ATXFYA's Joelene and Kristin stopped by FYA to tell us how awesome their book club is. (Spoiler alert: VERY.)
Pro-Tip from #FYANYC: if you're going to be in the area sometime in the next few months, the New York Historical Society currently has a Madeline exhibit!
And this is technically a photo hunt item for the Dauntless initiation. But when one tattoos the FYA drunk unicorn on one's skin, like Annie from #SFFYA did, one receives a special shout-out 'cause DIZANG.
For a brief, fleeting moment this week, the rambunctious upstarts from #FYAPGH surged ahead of powerhouse #ATXFYA to claim second place behind the reigning leader, #SFFYA. Alas, #FYAPGH's lead was not meant to be -- and I even made a GIF for the occasion, too!* -- as #ATXFYA is once again within striking distance of #SFFYA. Looks like we're in for a WILD finish, y'all.
*Omg I'm so sorry if I jinxed you, #FYAPGH! You know how I feel about you and your puns!
That's it for Week 8! Catch you back here next week! (Psst -- who's seen where the final challenge is yet?)