Happy Friday, everyone! Let's get to it:
Book Related Things
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory gets a strange new cover.
The Onion crushes it with this "Groundbreaking YA Novel" article.
You, too, can be Christian Grey's intern.
Lovely Rainbow Rowell article about the value of YA.
YA characters who run.
Movie Related Things
Carrie Brownstein is finishing Nora Ephron's Lost in Austen.
Stephenie Meyer in talks to produce a Lois Duncan adaptation.
John Green's Paper Towns will be released next July.
Studio Ghibli takes a "brief pause."
A Wrinkle in Time to be adapted by the writer of Frozen.
Jason Mott's The Wonder of All Things will be adapted by Lionsgate.
A female Ghostbusters reboot? I'd watch it.
SYTYCD's tWitch and Allison recreate famous dance scenes.
Why we need The Giver.
TV Related Things
Friday Night Lights posters!
Alexis Bledel (Gilmore Girls, Mad Men) has married Mad Men star Vincent Kartheiser. If they have children, no one will be able to tell who the kids take after.
Miscellaneous Things
Important Shirtless News.
Who wants to see Jason Statham painted silver in an Erasure video? You do.
Which popular high school clique do you belong to?
The Smile, Bitch Training Camp -- for those of us with bitchy resting face. Never ruin a man's day again with your sad face!
That's it for this week! Did we miss anything? What are you up to this weekend?