Happy Friday everyone! This weekend is weird, because it is sort of Halloween weekend, except not at all. Halloween should never fall on a Wednesday...it is just too confusing. But that said, a weekend is a weekend and we should all celebrate with a little light internet reading!
Book Related Things
Do you like Maureen Johnson, Ransom Riggs or Kami Garcia? Well, then Figment has a live author chat on October 30th you may want to join.
Many of us obsessive readers can relate to this Wall Street Journal essay. And speaking of love letters to books, All Things Considered has a piece on The Hobbit.
George R.R. Martin has just released a new book! No, it’s not The Winds of Winter, sucker. We will never get The Winds of Winter. What he has released is The Lands of Fire and Ice, an official collection of detailed maps of Westeros and other lands set in that universe.
TV Related Things
Six words. Tom Hanks. Full House. Slam Poetry.
Those of you watching Nashville may be familiar with Lennon and Maisy - to quote Erin, "I'm officially fangirling a couple of tweens." If you too want to fangirl tweens, check out this video of them covering Call Your Girlfriend.
Vulture has us wondering - where are all the post-college TV shows? And in potential TV news...CW to possibly make a show about teen Mary, Queen of Scots. That is certainly...interesting.
Movie Related Things
And in movie trailers, we’ve got Chris Colfer’s Struck By Lightning (which somehow we had completely missed the first time around) and Salman Rushdie‘s Midnight’s Children.
And in the best movie marketing tie in news I’ve ever heard, Denny’s is releases a Hobbit themed menu. For a more detailed look at all the dishes, look here. Excellent move Denny’s, excellent move.
Miscellaneous Things
Best news...Burning Love is getting a second season!
Ever wanted to run a bath for the Queen of England? Well, now is your chance!
So last week when I posted that video of the insides of Lisa Frank Headquarters, and at the time, I vaguely wondered what Urban Outfitters had to do with the video. Well, now we know. Urban Outfitters has raided the Lisa Frank vault to bring us vintage Lisa Frank, at a ridiculously marked up price. 35 dollars for a trapper keeper? UHHH I hate your Urban Outfitters. And be warned...there are limited quantities AND what you receive isn’t what’s pictured, but something entirely random.
And last but not least, FREE AWESOME THING. As part of a Halloween promotion, you can get a coupon for a free copy of Plants Vs. Zombies, which is a super easy and addictive computer game. One of my all time favorites, so a personal recommendation from Megan no h here. And you really have no excuse for not trying out free things (and none of this I don’t play computer games, because the same game is on your iPad and I bet you’d play it there!)
That’s all for today! If you have any fun links or videos, feel free to share them below. For those of you celebrating Halloween this weekend, have a blast!