BOOK REPORT for The Lies That Bind by Lisa and Laura Roecker (Liar Society #2)
Cover Story: Misleading, But, Uh, C For Continuity?
BFF Charm: Still Yay
Swoonworthy Scale: 6
Talky Talk: A Delicious Angst Cocktail
Bonus Factors: Private School, Secret Societies, Revenge
Relationship Status: Post-College Roomies
Cover Story: Misleading, But, Uh, C For Continuity?
Man, the covers for this series are some of the worst. Not that they're particularly unattractive in and of themselves (ok, they kind of are), but they're totally misleading. Looking at the cover, you'd think it's about a girl who's maybe really into the 1920s, but also wants to be punk, and probably goes to private school, and it's just full of light-hearted hijinks and screwball teenage fun, yeah? Except this isn't one of Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls books (not that there's anything wrong with those). It's a book about loss, and fear, and mortal danger, and absolute power corrupting absolutely, and being helpless. It's a little darker than the neon blue hair would lead you to believe, and it's not fair to the book to paint it in lurid neon. But hey! At least it matches the cover of the first book, so you can have a nice set.
The Deal:
If you haven't read the first book, The Liar Society, surprise! You actually won't really get spoiled by this review! But I still recommend reading it, because it's completely awesome.
So, like I said above, there's all kinds of darkness afoot at Pemberley Brown Academy. The societies that rule the school -- and the town -- behind the scenes, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood, are still fighting for ultimate control. Bent on getting revenge for her BFF's death, Kate is hot on both societies' trails, much to the chagrin of her overprotective boyfriend, Liam. C'mon Liam, what gives? Just because MAYBE the societies are homicidal, and MAYBE Kate nearly got badly hurt last time, doesn't mean you should rain on her revenge parade! The girl deserves a little revenge! When top Sisterhood member Bethany (aka Beefany, for her superhuman strength -- think Eliza Dushku) is kidnapped at an outlawed secret school memorial ceremony, Kate finds herself teamed up with one of her sworn enemies, Sisterhood leader and Little Miss Perfect Taylor Wright. Is Bethany going to be the next in a line of society casualties, or will Kate and Taylor save her in time?
BFF Charm: Still Yay
Kate is pretty much the best ever. She's hilarious, smart, dogged, and isn't afraid to speak truth to power. She's also loyal and forgiving, without being a pushover -- I was impressed by her fair treatment of several people in the book, including an old friend of hers. Sadly for Kate, this maturity gets her hurt more often than not, since people are self-centered dicks. She still reads like a teenager, full of the righteous black-and-white worldview and dedication to take on all problems, damn the cost. Kate! I'm not usually a self-centered dick! I'll be there for you every bit as much as Seth, and I promise I won't try to kiss you with Cheeto breath (or any other breath, as cute as you are).
Swoonworthy Scale: 6
So Liam turned into kind of a wet blanket, which was a big, fat BOO for me, but but but! The Roecker sisters redeemed the falling swoon scale by giving us a better look at the fine specimen of off-limits boy in the form of a possibly reformed Bradley Farrow, also known as one of the Brotherhood's leaders. I don't usually fall for rich boys, but damn. He can take me to the country club anytime.
Talky Talk: A Delicious Angst Cocktail
I frequently make that finger-down-the-throat "Like, gag me!" motion when I run across too much teenage angst, but this book makes it go down nice and easy, like a perfectly chilled tequila ice block shot (hey, I can't always be grownup and drink gin and tonic). This cocktail's a great blend of secrets, boyfriend troubles, doing the right thing, loss, illicit crushes, and good old teenage cynicism and iconoclastic tendencies. Check it:
By the time I made it to school, I felt like I'd already run some sort of messed-up marathon. I was approximately ninety-seven minutes late and hesitating at the front entrance. When I finally forced myself to pull the heavy doors open, warm air crashed over me and I was greeted with the familiar eau de PB. It was a mixture of freshly ground coffee, expensive perfume, and the ancient leather that clung to every surface.
Normal high schools reeked of disinfectant, glue, and a noxious combination of every available Axe body spray. But the hallowed halls of Pemberly Brown were never sullied by scents so common. Pemberly Brown smelled like privilege.
The bell rang, and I did my best to melt into the crowds of students pouring into the hallways, but as usual I failed miserably. The whispers began almost immediately, like a little spark. I was used to them by now. They rolled right over me, beading on my skin like raindrops on a windshield. Lucky for me, I was whisper resistant. Well, except when it came to one very important person: Liam.
Bonus Factor: Private Schools
See excerpt above. Who WOULDN'T want to go to a school that smelled of (and served?) freshly ground coffee instead of adolescent boys?
Bonus Factor: Secret Societies
There's a reason people are obsessed with the Knights Templar, the Freemasons, and Skull and Bones. That reason is: Secret societies are AWESOME.
Bonus Factor: Revenge
Bringing down a corrupt old-boys' power structure is just about the best life goal I can imagine. There's a reason I gave Kate the Frankie Landau-Banks Medal of Excellence in Disestablishmentarianism the first time around.
Casting Call:
She's way too old at this point, but I think that'd work in her favor as Bethany. It's just too bad she wouldn't get much screen time.
Relationship Status: Post-College Roomies
After four years of living together, matched by chance in the freshman roommate potluck, this series and I have decided to face the real world together. We've done some growing up, and it definitely suits us well. It still cracks me up, and I know we'll stay happy together long after we have our own kitchen and laundry room, and don't have to sleep in twin beds.
FTC Full Disclosure: I received my review copy from Sourcebooks. I received neither money nor cocktails for writing this review (dammit!). The Lies That Bind will be available November 1. Also, L&L are on tour -- go see them. They're awesome.