One of the best things about FYA is always having someone to squee with you over your fave books, movies, and TV shows. But curiously enough, there's never been an outlet to talk about music on a regular basis.
(Before I proceed any further: MAJOR PANTS to Mandy C. for the gorgeous artwork for this series! She truly is FYA's graphics unicorn.)
Starting with this playlist, Jennie and I will be joining forces to create monthly mixtapes that -- well, at least the two of us will like. We hope you will too, which is why FYA JAM* is kicking off with a small sample of our musical tastes!
*J + M = JAM, get it get it?? And ZOMG, it's music reference tooooo.
1. "Let the Day Begin" - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Jennie: I love BRMC -- you might end up seeing a lot of them on our mixtapes. Bonus: they put on a HELL of a live show.
2. "I'm Only Joking" - KONGOS
Jennie: I first heard of the KONGOS last season on The Originals -- you may remember "Come With Me Now" as the song playing during the werewolf bonfire. By the way, their drummer/singer is mighty fine-looking.
3. "Back to the Shack" - Weezer
Mandy W.: I'm really digging this one lately; such a high sing-along quotient. And Jennie, I totally think of you when it goes "rockin' out like it's '94".
4. "Gold on the Ceiling" - The Black Keys
Jennie: For some reason, avery long time ago, my husband started singing "Gold. In my butthole!" to this song. I think it might have been while we were drinking.
5. "Ruby" - Kaiser Chiefs
Jennie: I picked this because not only are the Kaiser Chiefs touring in my area and I'm bitter about not going, but I went through a serious Brit rock phase when I was an actual young adult. This song is one that just makes me happy when I hear it.
6. "Rollercoaster" - Bleachers
Mandy W.: Oh wow, I had no idea this is the guitarist for Fun (or fun., if you will -- and I won't). I think I prefer this! Also, I love roller coasters.
7. "The Walker" - Fitz and the Tantrums
Mandy W.: SO GOOD live! I was so over their "Out of My League" song, so I was concerned whether I'd like them or not. But their performance was great! My friends and I also were entranced by the dance moves of the female vocalist.
8. "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret" - Queens of the Stone Age
Jennie: Hot ginger.
Mandy W.: This is what I had to say upon Jennie's confirmation that Hot Ginger Josh Homme is just as hot IRL: "Phew, good to know his spot in the Hot Ginger Sweat Lodge is secure. (Because a Hall of Fame involves too much clothing.)"
9. "You Wreck Me" - Tom Petty
Jennie: I grew up listening to Tom Petty, and he is the source of a particularly silly in-joke between Mandy and me.
10. "Diane Young" - Vampire Weekend
Mandy W.: A bit of a throwback feel to this one, and probs the danciest song about, er, dying young.
11. "Infinitesimal" - Mother Mother
Mandy W.: OK, the breathy sounds are a little suggestive (made stranger still because two of the vocalists are sibs), but this song is my current obsession of theirs. Plus, it's all about stars and the ginormo universe and shizz!
12. "Jenny Don't Be Hasty" - Paolo Nutini
Jennie: I would like to think that all the younger gentleman are vying for my attention, like in the lyrics to this song. Sadly, I looked out the window and the line around the block is non-existent. It must be too cold. That's it.
13. "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?" - Arctic Monkeys
Jennie: The Arctic Monkeys have taken a turn for the sexy with their newest album.
Mandy W.: I can also vouch for their in-person sexiness. Me, to Concert Friend re: Alex Turner: "Those hips don't lie."
14. "Changing" - The Airborne Toxic Event
Mandy W.: Soooo I realized that most of my picks are bands that I recently saw. Live music hangover is a real affliction, y'all! I also braved the autograph lines to meet the lead singer and the drummer, who complimented me on my $10 lavender sunglasses. MONEY WELL SPENT.
15. "Stolen Dance" - Milky Chance
Mandy W.: This song is longer and more mellow than my other picks, but the intro to the next song reminded me of it, so.
16. "Making Me Nervous" - Brad Sucks
Jennie: Another great selection from my college years.
17. "Dangerous" - Big Data feat. Joywave
Mandy W.: Unquestionably the most recent song that I could listen to on an infinite loop. If I'm driving when it comes on the radio, I'll crank that good shizz up and even linger until it's over if I'm already parked. LOOOOVE.
Jennie: AAAAAH, I freaking love that song.
And because my musical taste has Canadian content that's not available in the U.S. (and vice versa): have a Canadian edition, my compatriots! (I have no idea about availability outside of U.S./Canada -- sorry, everyone else!)
1. "Headphones" - Mounties
Mandy W: You might be shocked to discover that a band called Mounties is Canadian. Anyway, this song's chorus is like the entire mission statement of this new series.
2. "Let the Day Begin" - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
3. "I'm Only Joking" - KONGOS
4. "Back to the Shack" - Weezer
5. "Headsick" - July Talk
Mandy W.: After seeing this band live last month, I went from like to LOOOOVE. Such a good show. But oh man, the lyrics are a stark contrast to the upbeat dance-y tune.
6. "Ruby" - Kaiser Chiefs
7. "Rollercoaster" - Bleachers
8. "The Walker" - Fitz and the Tantrums
9. "Shadow of Love" - Royal Tusk
Mandy W.: Love the sound, but the words make me realize that I've unintentionally created a sub-playlist of breakup songs.
10. "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret" - Queens of the Stone Age
11. "You Wreck Me" - Tom Petty
12. "Diane Young" - Vampire Weekend
13. "Infinitesimal" - Mother Mother
14. "Jenny Don't Be Hasty" - Paolo Nutini
15. "Best Look Lately" - Dear Rouge
Mandy W.: Such a fun dance track! Also always accurate, since all y'all do have the best look lately! (I KNOW; I'm a cheese.)
16. "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?" - Arctic Monkeys
17. "Changing" - The Airborne Toxic Event
18. "Making Me Nervous" - Brad Sucks
19. "Stolen Dance" - Milky Chance
20. "Dangerous" - Big Data feat. Joywave
So what do y'all think of our playlist? And which songs are you currently obsessed with? Let us know in the comments!