So many things are happening in this show right now, I barely know where to look. But even the scenes with Jaha this episode were exciting!
What went down?
In the desert:
One of the kids from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome finds Jaha in the desert, and takes him back to his home. There, the boy’s mother tells Jaha about their search for the City of Light, and the reason why they’re searching: the boy (Zorn? Zoren? Again, forgot to turn on captions) was born with facial deformities thanks to the radiation, and instead of killing him like her people were supposed to do, she left. Although they seem like nice people, and Jaha makes a connection with Zorn through chess, turns out that the father went to turn Jaha in to the local authorities in exchange for a horse. Because there’s a bounty on Sky People, and you do what you can to survive.
In the wild:
- Anya drags Clarke through forest, but they’re being tracked by guards from Mt. Weather. Anya thinks its because Clarke smells, so she forces her to cover herself with even stinkier mud. When that doesn’t work, Clarke realizes that one of them has a tracker embedded in their skin somewhere. Anya finds one in her arm … and proceeds to rip it out of herself with her teeth. (BAD. ASS.) The two make their way to the original drop ship camp, where they get in a huge fight. Basically:
Clarke’s about to take her rage out on Anya with a sharp knife, but sees a balloon in the sky, and realizes it’s her people. So, they make their way to camp, and make nice. Anya says she’s willing to talk to her people about fighting back against Mt. Weather, but instead, the camp guards shoot her and Clarke. Anya dies, and Clarke’s knocked out and dragged back to camp.
- Bellamy, Finn, Malfoy and Rando Boy and Girl continue on their way to find the others and come across a crashed section of the Arc, and a LOT of dead bodies. They’re not all dead, however—one girl is stuck halfway down the side of a mountain. She’s a friend of Rando Boy’s, so he tries to save her. And falls to his death. The remaining four work together to fashion a makeshift rope, and eventually save the girl (Mal) even after getting shot at by Grounders. Thanks, in part, to Octavia and her skills with the hunting horn.
At Camp Jaha:
Raven gets a job building a radio beacon, and introduces us to New Hotness Wick, with whom she has fantastic enmistry. Even though she acts like she hates the guy—mechanics can’t fraternize with engineers, apparently—Wick has already made her a leg brace, and asked for her specifically to help with the beacon. (Dude’s got it bad.) Raven continues to be stubborn, and tries to climb the radio tower with her bum leg, but can’t. So Wick goes her the tough love treatment. When Raven finally does try the brace, it helps. (Natch.) The two then create a radio beacon balloon, and send it up into the sky, only to be bitched out by Lady Guard, who shoots it down, for giving their location away.
Mt. Weather 101:
We were away from Mt. Weather for the entirety of this episode, but I can only imagine that they’re up to no good with the Cerberus Project and poor, beautiful Lincoln.
Death Toll: 1
Rando Guy, whose name was apparently Sterling, tried to save his friend Mal—one of the few teenagers who didn’t get in trouble and therefore shipped down to Earth as a way to preserve what little air/resources were left on the Arc—but doesn’t know how to tie a knot, and so fell to a grisly death. They did save Mal, though, so balance restored?
(Sorry. That was a little crass.)
Say What:
Malfoy: *upon seeing the crashed station* That’s a rough landing.
Sienna: We’re used to the hatred.
Jaha: I have no room for hate.
Ever the Chancellor.
Clarke: *while covered in mud and in the middle of a forest* I need something sharp and sterile.
Because that’s going to be nearby, Clarke.
Burning Questions:
- What/where is the City of Light?
- Is Sienna a former Grounder? Is the mutant in the woods, who again didn’t make an appearance this episode, sadly, a kid who was supposed to be taken out of the genepool?
- Is Octavia an honorary Grounder now?
Let’s discuss below.