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The 100 2x15: Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1)

The 100 2x15: Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1)

Previously on The 100: Jaha, Malfoy and the redshirts they’re with find a minefield, solar panels and a mysterious drone; Octavia figures out that Clarke knew about the missile; Lexa makes her feelings known to Clarke with some smooches; Bellamy blows up the acid fog tanks; and Wicken takes one major step forward, but stumbles. Phewf!

Before we get into what went down this week, let me just say that I am SUPER glad they’re not leaving things like this until the fall. That said …

Inside Mt. Weather:

The first half of the two-part season finale starts with Bellamy releasing the grounder prisoners from the Harvest Room. Helpful Lady Grounder (HLG) is super thankful, and helps (natch) release the rest of the prisoners. Bellamy tells her to prepare to fight, right before AJ Cage comes across the Mt. Weather PA and tells everyone about the cure. He also tells everyone about the 44 Arkers who’ve gone missing, and that anyone who’s found harboring them or helping them will be considered a traitor.

Mt. Weather guards make the rounds, looking for the 44. They enter the home of a pair of the adults who are harboring Jasper and Maya, and threaten them if they don’t give the kids up. Jasper can’t bear to see the two killed, so he gives himself and Maya up. The guard kills the adults anyway.

The same guard meets Vincent in hallway with some of the 44 and Maya. Vincent makes a stand, and the guard’s about to shoot him down when he gets shot himself, by Bellamy, who pops out of a vent in the wall. Miller and Jasper take out the other guard.

Outside Mt. Weather:

Miller’s dad brings a bomb Raven built to Clarke. She and Lexa ready the troops, with Clarke reminding everyone that it’s first and foremost a rescue mission. She explains the plan around a sweet model of Mt. Weather that totally reminded me of a diorama I made of a Native American longhouse in fifth grade.

The plan is this: Raven and Wick are going to take out the turbines at the dam and knock out Mt. Weather’s power. In the minute before the backup power kicks back on, the front door will be unlocked and Clarke and Lexa’s team will blow it open. Indra and Octavia have led a team into the reaper tunnels, through which they’ll lead the 44 and the captured Grounders to safety.

Lexa follows up the straight talk with a rousing pep talk.

The group drills into the door and Miller’s dad primes the bomb.

Under Mt. Weather:

Octavia and Indra walk through the Reaper tunnels, looking for the back door. Indra tells Octavia how she’s known Lincoln since he was a boy (so not his mom?) and then the Reapers attack. Indra’s visibly shaken when she recognizes one of them, but they continue down into the darkness. When they do find the door, Indra is super impressed, and tells Octavia that she’s one of them now.

At the dam:

Raven and Wick break into the turbine room and start putting bombs next to each turbine. There’s some serious tension between the two, unfortunately. (Thanks a ton, RAVEN.) A radio goes off nearby, and before they can answer it, a Weatherman comes out of nowhere and alerts them that there are intruders in the dam. Wick struggles to stop him, and kills him. Raven comforts him, slightly, saying “Welcome to the ground,” if that explains everything. But the moment is soon broken when they notice that one of the five bombs is busted … and they don’t have a spare.

Inside Mt. Weather:

Cage visits his dad, and tells him that they’re doomed. Cage thinks he’s underestimated Lexa, but Dante knows it’s all Clarke. Dante also blames Cage for everything, and won’t help him with any of it, even when Cage practically begs.

Cage goes to leave, and Dante gives in. What, exactly, he tells Cage isn’t revealed until later.

At the dam:

Wick and Raven fight about who’s fault things are, and the fighting apparently focuses Raven, because she figures out what to do. She and Wick get to work, and the turbines blow right as the guards arrive.

Outside Mt. Weather:

Lexa asks Clarke what her plans are for “after,” and Clarke says she doesn’t know. Lexa asks her to come with her to the capital. Clarke doesn’t have time to answer before the power goes down.

Clarke and Lexa try to blow the door, but Mt. Weather is jamming the signal. They attempt to get closer, but Mt. Weather’s ground troops start shooting. Miller’s dad volunteers to get closer, and a group of Grounders attempt to protect him on the way. The group falls apart before they can get there, and Miller’s dad goes down. All is not lost, however, because Lincoln beats the buzzer with a flaming arrow that hits the bomb square on. (Why he didn’t do that before Miller’s dad risked his life, I’m not sure.)

Lexa takes a group of men to stop the Mt. Weather troops, and Clarke leads a group to wrench the door open. When they pass by Miller’s dad, they realize that he’s hurt, but not dead. After a one-sided game of tug-of-war, the door opens, slightly.

Inside Mt. Weather:

A quarantine announcement echoes throughout the compound. All those without the ability to survive the radiation must go to Level 5 within 30 minutes, or else. Maya’s unsure of what to do, but goes with Bellamy and Jasper to look for more of the kids. They run across another of the adults who was hiding some of the 44, dead, on the floor. They find Monty hiding nearby, who tells them that the Weathermen know about the Grounders. The group hurries to the Harvest Room.

Outside Mt. Weather:

Clarke tells everyone to get ready to attack, when Lexa arrives and tells them to stop. The captured Grounders come out of the door, but no one else. Clarke asks Lexa what’s going, on, and realizes, quickly, that she’s been BETRAYED.

I don't usually talk during The 100, but when this happened, I couldn’t help but say, loudly, “What a bitch!”

In order to keep her people safe, Lexa made a deal with Emerson. After the Grounders stop coming out from the door, it closes, and Lexa tells her men to sound the retreat. Lincoln wants to stay and fight, but Lexa tells her men to take him by force.

After everything falls apart:

Indra hears the retreat horn, and so turns around. Octavia says she’s not going anywhere without Bells, and Indra fires her from being a second. The Grounders leave, and the Arkers soon follow, but Octavia stays behind.

Jasper, Maya and Monty reach the Harvest Room, find Vincent dead, and no one else to be found.
Wick and Raven wake up under rubble from the turbines, but neither of them are seriously hurt. They make up, sweetly, right before more guards appear.

Cage goes to visit Wallace and tells him that he was right about Lexa.

Clarke stares at the door as the rest of the Arkers leave to head back to Camp Jaha.

And we’re all left feeling like this:

Mt. Weather 101:

Although Dante’s not cool with Cage’s methods, he’ll do what he can to keep his people alive. Also, the guards are surprisingly OK with reducing their already small population.

Death Toll: 4+

And sadly, they were four of the good guys. #RIPVincent

Say What:

Where did Lexa get her pep talk training? Girl knows just what to say.

Thanks to our alliance with the Sky People, the mountain will fall. As Clarke said, we spare the innocent. As for the guilty ... jus drew jus daun (blood must have blood).

Wick tells it like it is.

They can’t leave if you push them away first, right? How’s that working out for you so far?

He also provided the comic relief we sorely needed this episode.

I’m going as fast as I can. *hears guards* Actually, I can move faster.

Burning Questions:

- Did y’all see Lexa’s betrayal coming?

- Is Lexa going to get her comeuppance eventually? How do you think it’s going to happen?

- Now that Lexa has shown her true colors, is the road a bit clearer for Bellarke?

- Will Lincoln come back to help save Octavia?

- Where can I get Clarke’s outfit?

- When’s the last time any of these people have bathed?


Let’s discuss below.

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