Previously on The Vampire Diaries: Caroline found out that she’s the supernatural surrogate to Jo and Alaric’s Gemini twins, The Brothers Salvatore decide that Julian needs to die, Enzo and Bonnie bicker swoonily, and Lily saves her sons from her lover, so she might not be The Worst..?
What Went Down
Stefan decides that reasoning with his mother is surely the way to make her see reason; Julian is an abusive monster who murdered her unborn grandchild, and once she knows this she'll stand firmly with Team Julian-Must-Die. Damon is excited for Thanksgiving dinner, because Damon is all of us. Lily doesn't believe Valerie's story of being beaten by Julian, so the Salvatore Bros are forced to do things The Hard Way: they drug and tie up Lily, forcing her to remember her history of choosing abusers as partners. (Flashback time! Poor tween Damon!) Lily confesses that OF COURSE she knew that their father was a complete dick, and she was hoarding money to get the three of them away from him once and for all, except that Giuseppe discovers her plan and threatens to take her sons away from her for good if she doesn't remember her place.
Enzo is still laser-focused on killing Julian, and Bonnie helps him to find Oscar's (hideously ugly, yellow) car at the junkyard. Rummaging through his trunk they find a mystery sword, and Enzo's convinced that it will kill Julian. (I mean, he's just a vampire, right? Why do they need a mystical sword?) No matter, because we're treated to a duel in the woods between Enzo and Julian. ALL OF THE DUELS, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Lily has bound herself to Julian like a human shield (GIRL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING.), and it's Julian's recklessness with his, and in turn, Lily's, own life that makes her see that he's not quite the man she thought him to be.
Meanwhile Caroline Forbes is being awesome: she's helping Matt set free the human farm that the Mystic Grill has become, and she's even willing to ask her favorite frenemy Valerie for help. Matt is suspicious of Caroline's puking, and so are we since the pregancy test she took earlier came up negative. Valerie siphons away the compelling spells, and Caroline compels them to leave town and forget everything that happened. Mute Beau turns up and emotes an angry face (sigh). Valerie cloaks the three of them so that they can escape.
Caroline and Alaric decide she should have an ultrasound. Survey says: no babies! OH WAIT - they've actually been cloaked/protected by the Gemini Coven, and it's Valerie that magics them up their actual ultrasound. Caroline pregnant is going to be SUCH a treat.
How adorable was tween Damon??
Caroline finding out about Valerie's pregnancy from Valerie, and NOT from Stefan. Yikes.
The HEAT between Enzo and Bonnie..! Someone pass me a church fan!
Damon had ZERO qualms about Lily's life being tied to Julian's; he was more than happy for both to die. (Damon Salvatore: Master Grudge Holder.)
Vamp of the Week: Caroline Forbes
She didn't blink twice at being told she's basically a supernatural incubator, because that's what real friends DO. Caroline also managed a respectable amount of empathy for Valerie when she found out about her lost pregnancy, not to mention that she came up with the idea of using Valerie's siphoning abilities to save that herd of compelled people.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin
Hero Hair: Ever the level-headed brother, Stefan tries reasoning with Lily BEFORE he laces her drink with vervane and ties her up in a chair. I mean, that's heroic, right?
Nefarious Grin: We've always known that the relationship between Damon and Stefan with their father was strained AT BEST, but now we see a whole new level to Giuseppe Salvatore's awfulness. How can anyone not blink as they put out a cigar on their CHILD? I almost wish he wasn't dead so that Damon could get a chance to kill him too. (I couldn't find a pic of the actor, John Charles Meyer, from this episode, so here's a headshot from his online portfolio. HELLO!)
Sound Bites
Stefan: "I had a feeling we were going to have to do this the hard way.
Damon: "Best...Thanksgiving...ever." As long as there's sweet potato pie, I agree.
Enzo: "Well, if Julian wants it, so do I."
Bonnie: "Are we talking about Oscar's car or Lily?" BURN.
Julian: "I assured Lily that there would be no more bloodshed in the house."
Enzo: "Did you make any promises about outside?" Enzo's all about the fine print, you see.
Burning Questions
The flash forward shows us Alaric and Damon going to rescue Caroline, but the killer/hunter really wants Stefan...so is the hunter Valerie? Or Lily? WHO IS IT
How well is Caroline's inevitable talk with Stefan about Valerie's lost pregnancy going to go? On a scale of 1-awkward af?
Will Caroline trust anyone OTHER than herself to throw her baby shower?
What do we think the Magical Sword's magical power is? If Oscar had it maybe it's the power to throw the most EPIC parties EVER.
SO...Lily is finally ready to help her sons end Julian. Progress! Is Matt Donovan going to ever be anything other than overworked, underappreciated, harried and single? This is a tragedy, y'all. I mean, do we need to start an online campaign for the writers to let Matt get some? And is a friendship - or at the very least, a truce - in the cards for Caroline and Valerie? Come convo with me in the comments!