Welcome back to the Supernatural rewatch project, superfans! This week Season Six ends with a pair of frantic episodes as Dean closes the door on any chance at the normal life he’d built for himself at the beginning of the season, while Sam finally comes to term with his tenure in Hell.
Cheers to living with our choices!
Take a drink every time:
• There’s a corpse
• A demon possesses/de-possesses and/or makes a deal with some hapless schmuck
• Someone on the show takes a drink
• Dean crams his face full of junk food
• Anyone is tied up
• Either brother picks a lock
• Someone employs a Titan of Classic Rock as an alias
• The Glorious and Faithful Impala is damaged in the line of duty
6x21: Let It Bleed
Monster of the Week: Crowley/demons
Crowley sends demons to Lisa’s house! They kill her hot new boyfriend and take her and Ben captive, but not before the boy makes a last minute call to Dean for help! Crowley picks up the phone and says he’ll keep them to make sure the Winchesters stays out of their way.
Dean and Sam call Balthazar for help! He unconcernedly finishes his champagne and disappears. Angels, man. But he eventually changes his tune, finding and revealing their location. The Winchesters go on a Liam Neeson-style demon-killing-rampage until they battle their way to a captive Lisa and Ben. Unfortunately, Lisa has been possessed by a demon! When she goes for Ben, Dean attacks, but just before he manages to exorcise her, she stabs herself. *Sniffs*
Sam’s out for the count so, in a truly brutal scene, Dean has to rely on Ben to shoot their way out of there! Lisa’s in a coma and Cas drops by the hospital, healing her. Dean asks him to erase Lisa and Ben’s memories of him. Lisa wakes, and Ben tells her they were in a car crash. Later, Dean drops by Lisa’s room, claiming that he was guy who hit them, after losing control for a moment and spinning out. OMG. Even my dark shriveled heart was touched by this scene. Sam is disgusted by the angelic roofie of it all, but Dean tells him if he ever so much as mentions Lisa or Ben again, he’ll break his face. Repression, ho!
Meanwhile, when Bobby discovers his old lover, Ellie, (the professor who gave Dean the dragon slaying sword at the beginning of the season) is actually a 900-year-old spirit from Purgatory, who knows how to get the door open. He offers his protection against Crowley, and she sort of pats his head, all “oh adorable, powerless human” and sets off on her own where she is almost immediately found by Cas.
Heaven and Hell of it All: Balthazar was unaware of Cas’s deal with Crowley and though upset, says he’ll stick by him. Cheered by his success, Cas comes to Dean once more, pleading with him to stand behind his Purgatory plan. Dean tells him to go screw. Later, Balthazar goes behind Cas’s back, telling Dean that he wants to join Team Winchester. Finally, even though Cas helps out with Ben and Lisa, Dean makes sure to tell him that they still aren’t cool, okay?
Drink Count: 15 for corpses, people tied, drinks drank and demon possession
The Quotable Winchesters: “Hi. Glad to meet you. Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard.” –Bobby, on why he already had a copy of the journal Cas stole.
Most GIF-able moment:
I had to #sorrynotsorry
Notable Cameos: None
6x22: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Monster of the Week: Everyone
Sam bursts into a bar at closing time, panicked and with no memory of who he is! An incredibly hot bartender named Robin talks him down. She can’t convince him to go to a hospital, but she drives him to a motel he remembers, a decision I think we can all stand behind. In the room they find a crazy person mural, several rock star alias I.D. badges, and a picture of Ellie which triggers a flashback!
The boys and Bobby find Ellie dying in an alley. She claims Cas tortured her and she gave up the way into Purgatory—virgin blood, her blood and an eclipse. Cas shows up and cryptically says “when this is all over, I’ll save Sam, but only if you stand down.” Then he touches Sam’s head.
In the present, Sam remembers his name. Progress! Then he gets shot at by a copy of himself! Wait, what? We pan out to Dean watching over an unconscious Sam, begging him to snap out of it. He’s stuck in his own mind while the Purgatory clock ticks down. In his mind, Sam faces down the soulless version of himself, who tells him that Cas brought down the “hell wall” and it shattered him to pieces. Sam manages to get the drop on his soulless doppleganger, destroying him, and in the process gaining all the memories he lost. Turns out Robin was an innocent he shot when soulless. She disappears after telling him he’ll be sorry.
Next Sam faces Hell Sam, the part of him that remembers the Cage. Hell Sam says he has to kill him and absorb his memories if he wants to wake. He does and comes to screaming.
Heaven and Hell of it All: After Cas gets the blood that will unlock Crowley, he tells him that he’s cutting him out of the deal, and he can either flee or die. He chooses flee.
Balthazar gives Bobby and Dean Cas’s location. They leave a note for Sam and head out to face him. Meanwhile, Cas realizes Balthazar betrayed him and straight up murders him. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! But he was so pretty/snarky/slutty. This will not stand, darlings!
Sigh. ANYWAY, at the site of the ritual, Bobby and Cas hide as a horde of demons head to battle Cas and his host of angels! The Impala flips over with our heroes inside! Cas tries and fails to murder Crowley as he’s teamed up with Raphael! Crowley throws the “flee or die” back at Cas. He chooses flee.
Crowley begins the ritual. Dean and Bobby try to interrupt it to no avail, because Cas apparently switched out the blood, spiriting away the real cocktail so he coudl perform the ritual himself somewhere else. For some reason, Cas lets Crowley go. For obvious reasons, he snaps Raphael into a puddle. Dean tries to convince him to return the souls to Purgatory, but he’s gone power mad. Sam shows up and tries to kill him, but apparently the angel killing blade doesn’t work because he’s now God. He gives them a choice—fealty or death!
Drink Count: 14 for corpses, drinks, locks picked, demon deals, and damage to The Glorious and Faithful Impala.
The Quotable Winchesters: “I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord... or I shall destroy you.” –Cas, to the Winchesters. Damn, son.
Most GIF-able moment:
Sorry, Raphael. But thanks for playing!
Notable Cameos:
Erica Cerra of Eureka and The 100 plays Robin.
Next Week: Meet the Leviathans