Greetings and Happy Almost-Weekend! I'm here to distract you from being an adult, so let's get to it:
Book Related Things
My girl Hannah Gomez wrote this awesome piece regarding the important differences between YA and MG.
This is for actual YAs: submissions are being accepted for a book that Heather Demetrios is editing, in which anonymous letters from real teens about heartbreak are answered by YA authors.
100 Must-Read LGBTQIA YA Books
We Need Diverse Books is offering $2500 internship grants!
Lacy from ATXFYA created this amazing "Handwriting Practice for Feyre" (A Court of Mist and Fury) worksheet. The level of FYA members' committment to unabashed nerdiness never fails to delight.
Out of Print now has a shirt for The Handmaid's Tale, in case you felt like sticking it to the patriarchy using FASHION.
Harlequin is cancelling FIVE of its lines, which is a total bummer.
Gail Carriger (The Parasol Protectorate series) is now writing a series of shifter gay romances about a sexy werewolf and the bad boy-mage he falls for. The first is titled The Sumage Solution, and it's available on 7/18!
YA Onscreen Things
This week on YA Onscreen: all of the CW news for next season, lots of upfronts, Donald Glover to produce Deadpool animated series, and more!
We already told y'all about the (hopefully real one day) Gilmore Girls Lego set, but have you seen these pins? (No Emily or Kirk? WTF?)
Golden Girls Clue is happening! WHO ATE THE LAST SLICE OF CHEESECAKE? (...you know it was Stan.)
Black Lightning isn't going to take place in the Arrow-verse, and it's like REALLY, CW?
Speaking of:
Social Media Things
Travelings Pants reunion!
Miscellaneous Things
"Feminism Doesn't Mean Liking Every Stupid Woman You Meet" CAN I GET AN AMEN?
The Sailor Moon fan in your life will be needing this phone.
A profile of the WeRateDogs Twitter account that Mandy W. read in its entirety for reasons that she still doesn't understand.
Netflix for ladies who like romance is coming. It's called PassionFlix, and you can be a founding member if you like!
What Kind Of Unicorn Horn Are You? (I got Glittering Gold.)
"Teen magazines have always covered more than fashion. You just didn’t notice." Let me give you some aloe for that BURN.
Battle of the Sexes looks like it could be a career defining role for Emma Stone:
I'm already planning to see this movie with ALL of my friends:
I am LOVING the two leads for this newest Star Trek installment, Star Trek: Discovery:
My tween self was OBSESSED with G.L.O.W.! And YASSSS Alison Brie!
This last link is a very, very sad one indeed. Chris Cornell, 1/3 of the Holy Grunge Trinity that was Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden, took his own life yesterday at age 52. This video of him singing with his daughter will make your heart hurt. RIP, sir.
Did anyone else out there watch G.L.O.W. on Saturday mornings? Hollywood and Vine were my GIRLS. What important, vital information have I missed this week?