A couple of weeks ago, I reviewed a little book called Trinkets, by Kirsten Smith. Funnily enough, when I read and fell in love with this book, I had no idea who the author was, or what else she had written. Do you? Well let me tell you: Um, a little film called Ten Things I Hate About You. And another one you might have heard of, Legally Blonde. Just to name two. That's right. You might not have noticed, but Kiwi Smith is KIND of a big deal.
BUT!!! More important than that, she is one of the nicest, coolest, and downright badass authors I've ever had the priviledge of emailing with, and I'm delighted to get to share her with you.
You are literally a rock star to us here at FYA HQ. After so many successes as a screenwriter, what inspired you to write Trinkets? Any chance it will be optioned as a film?
I had the idea of girls meeting in a Shoplifter’s Anonymous support group about 18 years ago and had been thinking about turning it into a heist movie but I never seemed to be able to crack that code, so when I got this book deal from Little Brown to write a second novel, I thought, this is a way I can finally execute this idea I love – make it about teenagers and turn it into a friendship story.
While, the original idea sounds AMAZE, I'm so glad it worked out the way it did! One of the many things I loved about this book was your ability to have three equal, multi-dimensional lead characters. What was your writing process like? Did you write from all three POVs at the same time?
I wrote in fits and starts because I was working on screenplay projects at the same time. So the writing of TRINKETS took place over many years – which I DON’T recommend.
I’d write one character one day and another character another day. I couldn’t flip in and out of voices otherwise I’d lose the girl’s voice.
When I realized I was about to read a book about shoplifting, I did what we around these parts call "pulling a Fred Savage" (is this a SHOPLIFTING book?!!) I was afraid I'd be so stressed out about the characters stealing, that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. I needn't have worried, because as I mentioned in my review, you managed to take an ISSUE, and write a book that included that issue, without making it an ISSUE BOOK. What inspired you to touch on this particular issue?
Shoplifting is a pretty addictive pastime and I wanted to explore the “bad girl” naughty side of it as well as the psychology behind it. There are a lot of interesting and sometimes dark motivations for an addiction to shoplifting, but for some reason it doesn’t have that “issue” stink on it.
Whenever I mention Trinkets to people, it inevitably inspires them to share with me their own "One time, when I was six, I stole a Chaptstick" tale. Have you had a lot of folks confessing their own thievery to you? Do YOU have a tale?
Yes, I’ve noticed that too. I have a few shoplifting tales, but I’ll tell them to you at the slumber party.
And lastly, are you a Moe, Elodie, or Tabitha?
I’ve got parts of all three obviously, but I’m fascinated with people having these outside personas and finally letting the walls drop…for better or worse.
Young Kiwi on the Seattle ferry. I think I had that exact outfit.
If your real life adolescence was a YA book… Who is your secret crush?
Dan Shaw.
What is your #1 source of angst?
When my bffs would go off with other bffs.
At what point would the reader pump his/her fist in victory?
At the school dance when I got a bunch of kids who hated new wave to dance to Duran Duran.
That right there sounds like it'd make a great scene in a movie! Who would play you in the film adaptation?
I find casting yourself to be an exercise in navel-gazing that makes me anxious. Eek! Someone else might have to answer that, not me.
Personally, I'd want to invent a time machine, just so I could cast your actual YA self!
What is your secret power? Tell me about your area of expertise.
Drawing out secrets. I love to engage people into sharing their inner lives. I would have been an excellent priest or therapist.
What is your best karaoke song?
“Don’t You Want Me” by the Human League. Or “Goodbye to You” by Scandal.
Those are AWESOME songs to be good at! We will ask for a performance at our slumber party, FYI. Now tell me something scandalous!
I’m not wearing pants right now!
What is your favorite adult beverage?
A classic daiquiri.
What book have you read the most number of times?
Laurie Colwin’s “Happy All The Time”
Who is your “freebie”?
J.R. Smith or Ezra Miller.
I like how diverse your taste in freebies is. YA authors are so cool. Who would you give a BFF charm to?
Nova Ren seems really nice. And obviously Lauren Oliver is like the coolest girl in school.
Out of all of the characters you’ve written, which one do you most wish you could be?
Kat in 10 THINGS because she gets to be sassy and rock and roll and vulnerable and in love. Also of course Elle Woods because she’s got a beautiful sunshiny confidence.
If you were invited to the FYA slumber party (and obvs, you ARE), what pajamas would you wear, and what is the most crucial snack food and/or movie you’d bring?
Snack food: peanut butter squares made by my mom. And water! And I’d bring SIXTEEN CANDLES or MODERN GIRLS or LADIES AND GENTLEMAN THE FABULOUS STAINS or AMELIE or MY SUMMER OF LOVE or TRUTH OR DARE.
"I'm perfect! But nobody in this shithole gets me, because I don't put out!" Sorry, but LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE FABULOUS STAINS!!!! Kiwi, you are obviously meant to be our best friend.
Ladies and Brian, Kirsten Smith.
Kirsten, we can't thank you enough for taking time out of your busy schedule to hang out with us! You can visit Kirsten's blog here, and find Trinkets in a bookstore near you.