Well, FYA finally did it. We got a Goodreads account! Since you are all crazy passionate readers, I assume most of you know about Goodreads or have your own account. But if you don’t, Goodreads is a book-centered social media site where you can:
* See what your friends or authors are reading and get their recommendations
* Review, rate or track the books you read
* Keep an organized To Be Read (TBR) list
* Find information on authors and books, like release date, series info, etc.
* Join groups and participate in book discussions
* Aaaaaaaaaaaaand lots more
FYA now has Goodreads reviews for over 900 books, including all of the traditional Book Reports and other "alternative" reviews FYA has done over the years. And to make it easy to find recommendations, we have shelves to sort our books by reviewer, genre, format and even some FYA specific categories (like slam book and drinking games).
Note: The star ratings of books are certainly not an exact science due to Goodreads terrible policy against half stars, different reviewers and some missing ratings. (It’s a process.)
So what are you waiting for?
Friend or Follow Us On Goodreads Here!
Also, some of the FYA contributors have personal accounts as well. So you can check out what your favorite FYA’er reads in their spare time.
Current FYA Contributors’ Goodreads Accounts
Poshdeluxe * Mandy W * Mandy C * Brian * Meredith
Past FYA Contributors’ Goodreads Accounts
And as long as we're talking about it, don’t forget FYA has a social media presence on a lot of different sites.
Other FYA Social Media
Facebook * Twitter * Pinterest * RedBubble
That’s all folks! See you on the internets!