Welcome back to the YA Movie News Roundup, or as I like to call it this week: the Katniss Beat.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is dominating the box office and accumulating a whole lot of press ink, so let's dive in. It's got fantastic ratings and kick-ass returns. Slate examined whether Panem could have an economic structure like a real nation. NY Mag interviewed Trish Summerville, the incredible costume designer of the films.
NPR applauded the reversed gender roles of Katniss' relationship with Peeta. Vulture exhibited some amazing Catching Fire nail art and reported that the film just missed the dreaded (for YA properties) R rating. EW aggregated all the worst Hunger Games products on the market.
Badass Digest's most recent podcast was about Catching Fire, and I was supposed to join before technical difficulties precluded it. Here's what I would have said: "It's great!" And finally, The Onion released the single greatest Catching Fire review of all time.
In non Catching Fire news (yes, we have some): Cary Elwes - aka Wesley of The Princess Bride - is releasing a book! Titled, naturally, As You Wish. (Oh my sweet Wesley, what have I done?)
You can check out fifteen new major character images of the Divergent cast here.
Fox joins the Linus Project to deliver handmade blanket to kids in need in honor of Percy Jackson.
And the Vampire Academy theatrical trailer is live: