RIVERDALE Chapter 11: To Riverdale And Back Again
Previously, on Riverdale: Jughead got the birthday party he never wanted, Veronica and Archie totally stayed up all night making out, and Alice Cooper saw Joaquin and FP "conspiring", ie talking close...
View ArticleCLASS 1x03: Nightvisiting
Previously, on Class: The kids battle a dragon, who just so happens to be the mate of the dragon tattoo (?) on Ram’s football coach; Miss Quill makes a move on a guy, who just so happens to be a robot...
We've partnered with Warner Bros. to offer an Everything, Everything giveaway every bit as delightful as the book upon which the upcoming movie is based. Sure, we wish the prize pack included time...
View ArticleBetween Two Lockers with Sarah Fine
Sarah Fine’s latest novel, Beneath the Shine, mixes timeless themes of political unrest with cautionary tales about relying too much on technology. It’s a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel, a book...
View ArticleTHE ORIGINALS 4x6: Bag Of Cobras
Previously on The Originals: Marcel stabbed Klaus with a magical blade. Freya and Keelin grew closer. The Hollow wants Marcel and Klaus to kill each other, so it can absorb their power. Freya...
View ArticleFor She Had Eyes And Chose Me
BOOK REPORT for Speak Of Me As I Am by Sonia Belasco Cover Story: Montell Jordan BFF Charm: Proceed With Caution Swoonworthy Scale: 4 Talky Talk: He Said, She Said Bonus Factors: Shakespeare...
View ArticleYA Onscreen: Can WONDER WOMAN Hit Big At The Box Office?
Welcome to another week of YA Onscreen! It's a slow news week around these parts, but that doesn't make some of this news any less heavy. Did everyone enter in the Everything, Everything giveaway that...
View ArticleSpill The Wine, Take That Pearl
BOOK REPORT for The Pearl Thief (Code Name Verity #0.5) by Elizabeth Wein Cover Story: Go On, Take The Money and Run BFF Charm: Yay! Swoonworthy Scale: 6 Talky Talk: I Capture the Castle Bonus...
View ArticleJane the Virgin 3x17: Chapter Sixty-One
Wow hi everyone. I have A LOT OF FEELINGS about everything this week, which was basically the Platonic Ideal of JANE THE VIRGIN. We had love; we had lust; we had deep philosophical discussions about...
View ArticleFAMOUS IN LOVE 1x3: Not So Easy A
Previously, Paige's parents want her to GET SERIOUS about school even though she's about to make a zillion dollars from Locked. Jake decides he wants to keep things platonic (why?) with Paige while...
View ArticleDiscussion Thread: A COURT OF WINGS AND RUIN
It seems like we’ve been waiting AGES for A Court of Wings and Ruin to be released, rather than just the year it’s been. (I blame Tamlin that damned cliffhanger ending.) Thankfully, the day finally...
View ArticleIZOMBIE 3x5: Spanking The Zombie
Previously, on iZombie: Liv and Clive uncovered an online bulletin board full of zombie haters, including a guy who owned a gun range. Angus and Don E. went into business together on a zombie bar, and...
View ArticleLocked Into Heaven
BOOK REPORT for The Realms of the Gods (The Immortals #4) by Tamora Pierce Careful, Sweetie: spoilers! This is the last book in The Immortals series, so if you haven’t read Wild Magic, Wolf-Speaker,...
View ArticlePretty Little Liars 7x13: Hold Your Piece
Rosemary (who is honestly a comic genius and deserves a break) was too busy eating fancy NOLA food and drinking fancy NOLA tiki drinks to pause for a jaunt over to Rosewood with me this week, so I...
View ArticleTHE 100 4x10: Die All, Die Merrily
Previously: The people of Arkadia pack up and head to the bunker—leaving Jasper and his DNR crew—but the looming war between Ice Nation and Trikru puts a pause on anyone’s plans to actually go inside;...
View ArticleTotally Lit Parties: TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE Series
Welcome back to Totally Lit Parties, a feature in which Corrie shows you how to throw YA-themed parties! It took my far too long to discover these books, but now that I have, I don’t want to let go....
View ArticleThis Witch Lacks Magic
BOOK REPORT for The Black Witch (The Black Witch Chronicles #1) by Whitney Taylor Cover Story: Is This a Magic Book? BFF Charm: Caution! Swoonworthy Scale: 5 Talky Talk: Promising, but Problematic...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: Pizza Science, Brad Pitt In GQ, and more!
Happy Friday, everyone! And Happy Cinco de Mayo! I hope everyone is going out tonight and supporting our communities' Mexican-owned businesses by consuming ALL of the tacos. (Chipotle most definitely...
View ArticleOpen Thread: May 5-7
Given that #ATXFYA just played Tim Riggins bingo... Official sport of FYA: Tim Riggins Bingo. #FNL (Brought to you by @gluegungirl) A post shared by Forever Young Adult (@forever_young_adult) on...
View ArticleRIVERDALE Chapter 12: Anatomy Of A Murder
Previously, on Riverdale: Jughead has the worst homecoming ever, right after his worst birthday ever. Poor Juggie. The Rundown: Riverdale pulls one over on all of us by solving Jason Blossom's murder...
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