Game Of Thrones: 3-1 Valar Dohaeris
Happy Day-after-the-premiere-of-Game-of-Thrones-day! Are the rest of you guys as excited as I am about this season? This year Erin and I are going to be taking turns bringing you your recaps, so we...
View ArticleShe Slays Them With Her Morning Breath
BOOK REPORT for Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer by Maureen McGowan Cover Story: Brown Bag It BFF Charm: Meh Swoonworthy Scale: 0 Talky Talk: Option A: Lords and Ladies; or Option B: The Mall? Bonus...
View ArticleTeen Movie Madness: Final Four (Part Two)
Now that we've reached the final four of Teen Movie Madness, we're dealing with some real heavy hitters. This is the big leagues, and the gloves are off. All bets are off as well, because these...
View ArticleThe Carrie Diaries 1x12: A First Time For Everything
The dudes in this episode were so completely ridiculous. Hilariously ridiculous. I'm almost hoping that it's parody of dude archetypes we've slept with, but I'm guessing that's not the case. Carrie...
View ArticleNew York’s Hottest Club Is Tunnel
BOOK REPORT for White Lines by Jennifer Banash Cover Story: Hairy Big Face BFF Charm: Eventually Swoonworthy Scale: 6 Talky Talk: Runaway Train Bonus Factors: The '80s, Stefon, New York City,...
View ArticleFrom the Field: A Rumination on Young Adulthood
Y'all may remember Smarty Pants Cate B, who gave us the inside scoop on being a covert YA reader in the desert. She's back to share some thoughts on why we all love YA so much. Take it away, Cate! I...
View ArticleDoctor Who 7x07: The Bells of Saint John
Welcome back, dear readers, to the second half of season seven. Since the Christmas Special, the Doctor has been wandering around spacetime to try and find Clara Oswald. But is she closer than he...
View ArticleIs a Seymour Butts There?
BOOK REPORT for Not Exactly a Love Story by Audrey Couloumbis Cover Story: Almost There BFF Charm: Meh Swoonworthy Scale: 2 Talky Talk: Straight Up With a Funky Jive Bonus Factor: You've Got Mail...
View ArticleNetflix Fix: Once Upon A Time
Title: Once Upon A Time Year: 2011 Fix: Guilty Pleasure Marathon Netflix Summary: Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin and Robert Carlyle star in this fantastical series that follows the travails of a...
View ArticleNashville 1x16: I Saw The Light
HEY Y'ALL. After last week's craptastic episode, this show had to do very little just to show a sign of improvement. And that's exactly what happened. But it wasn't very little, it was two littles...
View ArticlePockets Full of Posies
BOOK REPORT for All Fall Down by Sally Nicholls Cover Story: Totes Acceptable BFF Charm: Yay? Swoonworthy Scale: 4 Talky Talk: Historically Accurate Bonus Factors: Very Superstitious, The Black Death...
View ArticleMystic Falls: Where Everyone Sleeps With Everyone Else
The Vampire Diaries is on another two week break! What will we do until it returns?!!! Why, make a graph of all of the people on the show who've had sex together, if you're Mandy. The following is...
View ArticleProcrastination Pro-Tips: Percy Jackson, Finding Dory and More!
Happy Friday, friends! Hope you are all ready for the weekend. Actually, I have no idea what that saying even means. Like, what does one have to do to be ready? I mean, I know I pretty much have...
View ArticleAnd She Read It, And It Was Good
BOOK REPORT for Light by Michael Grant, the final book in the Gone series Cover Story: Left Behind BFF Charm: It's Raining Them! Swoonworthy Scale: 7 Talky Talk: Michael Grant wears your guts for...
View ArticleTeen Movie Madness: Final Four Results
At long last, we’ve reached the finals of Teen Movie Madness. It has been a long, difficult battle, but last week, two-thirds of you voted for 90s over 80s in both of our matches, saying goodbye to...
View ArticleCYOA: I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watchin’ Me
Greetings Adventurers! Proving once again that we are substance over fluff, the majority of voters last week chose to: Find a computer whiz. You still have Silas' password-protected files, remember?...
View ArticleGame of Thrones 3x2: Dark Wings; Dark Words
Bran's Fake Walkabout Bran's still having his greendreams in which the three-eyed crow squaks at him a lot. In his dreams, Jon and Robb are there, teachin ghim how to shoot, just like in the season...
View ArticleHe Ain’t Heavy, He’s My… Y’Know.
BOOK REPORT for Split by Swati Avasthi Cover Story: Split Identities BFF Charm: LOV -- Oh. Just Yay Then. Swoonworthy Scale: 3 Talky Talk: Right On, with a Side of Flashbacks Bonus Factors: Mysterious...
View Article300 Fox Way Party Line: Predictions For The Dream Thieves
Note: This post contains spoilers about The Raven Boys. If you haven't read it yet, STOP NOW AND GET THEE TO A LIBRARY. As many of y'all are aware, FYA Book Clubs across the country (and the world!)...
View ArticleThe Carrie Diaries 1x13: Kiss Yesterday Goodbye
So, the finale happened and it was interesting? I know this show is still finding its legs and hopefully we'll get another season for it to do so but the finale was kinda a letdown. Mainly because it...
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